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Many people who come for reflexology treatments often do so because they are having trouble getting enough sleep. Sometimes it's because they just can't fall asleep and other times it's because they wake up in the middle of the night and find it so hard to go back to sleep...either way they are exhausted!

While weekly sessions of reflexology for at least a month can really help improve your sleep, there are also some self-help guidelines that many people have found successful:

  • Have a routine that helps you wind down before bedtime such as, taking a shower/bath, reading a book, having a warm non-caffeinated drink, doing some gentle yoga stretches

  • Cutting down on caffeine during the day and especially in the evening

  • Ensure the bedroom is not too warm and is dark enough

  • No electrical appliances in the bedroom including tv, phones, laptops, etc

  • Have a notebook by the bed so you can make a list or write down anything that is on your mind and is stopping you from falling asleep or getting back to sleep

  • Learn how to do a simple meditation or focus on your breath, slowly taking a deep breath in, hold it and slowly let it out, repeating the sequence for a few minutes...sounds simple but can really help!

  • Be as active as possible during the day so you are physically tired which should help you fall asleep more quickly

  • If you wake at night and are getting frustrated about not being able to fall back asleep, get up and have a warm drink, read a book and try again when you are feeling tired enough

  • For more information have a look at the following article

Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about how reflexology can help with sleep issues @ 0868395629

I hope you find this helpful...sleep well,

- Maura

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